Thursday, November 14, 2013

Charlie Brown DIY Halloween costume

Tossin’ it back to Halloween yall…

Yeah, I'm the one on the right ;-) 

This year Halloween was on a ThursdayOn Tuesday morning while I was at work I decided I wanted to dress up.

We weren’t having a Halloween party at work (they quit doing that a couple years ago BOOO) and Anthony and I weren’t even going to a party or anything. I just like dressing up and feelin like a kid again. Don’t judge.

So anyway, thanks to good ole Pinterest I found a super cute idea for a Charlie Brown costume. My Inspiration I love me some DIY!

This is the stuff it takes to make the costume - -

Stuff I bought –
$4.99 Yellow polo style shirt (Goodwill)
$3.67 Spray paint (Walmart)
$1.66 Black fabric (Joann’s)
$5.99 Mod Podge (Joann’s – I had a 40% off coupon)

Stuff I already had –
Beach ball
Black craft paint
Newspaper (cut into strips)
Black shorts
*Special note for people OCD like me {ahem} Yes, I should have worn yellow socks but I didn't realize Charlie Brown wore yellow socks until it was too late to run out and purchase any. So Charlie wore white socks on Halloween. Oh well. Life goes on.

For the head:
1.  Blow up beach ball and place in a bowl
2.  Dip newspaper strips in Mod Podge and lay on the beach ball one at a time, slightly overlapping the strips (as I dipped the strips, I’d “squeeze out” the excess by running my fingers along each side so they wouldn’t be drenched with the Mod Podge and thus take longer to dry… remember I was on a tight time frame)
3.  Allow to D R Y completely *VERY IMPORTANT* most will say let it dry overnight but a few hours seemed to do the trick for me; I only let one of my layers dry overnight.
4.  Repeat with a second layer of paper strips, allow to DRY, and then a third layer – On my third layer I started using plain paper instead of newspaper so I wouldn’t have to use primer once I was ready to spray paint my head. I had only bought one can of spray paint too so… 
oh and ALSO I left my beach ball inside my head form which made it plenty sturdy with just three layers of paper… it didn’t seem to want to come loose from the Mod Podged strips so I just went with it. Sometimes ya gotta improvise!
5.  Cut an opening in the bottom that your head will fit through (remember, you’re gonna be wearing this head so make sure it’ll go over your ears)
6.  Make ears from cardstock and attach with glue. Allow to dry.
7.  Spray paint the head a flesh tone color *it’s best to do this in a well ventilated area or OUTSIDE if possible
8.  Once DRY you can cut your eye openings and mouth opening if you decide to have an open mouthed Charlie Brown. I used a box cutter. Fancy stuff.
9.  Draw your eyebrows and nose with a Sharpie. I went back over mine with black paint to make it more distinct.
10.  Glue some thin black fabric inside the head so you’ll be able to see where you’re walking while wearing the head. I used a Mono Adhesive glue pen, a scrapbooking supply I had handy.

VOILA! ! ! 
You've just transformed some paper and a beach ball into a fabulous Charlie Brown head. And ya know… this could be so many other cartoon characters if you wanted to get creative… but anyway.. we still have a shirt to make people. Stay focused!

For the shirt:
1. If your shirt is from Goodwill you’re gonna want to wash it. lol
2. Lay flat and put a piece of cardboard inside the shirt to prevent the paint from bleeding.
3. Trace your design lightly with a Sharpie
4. Paint one side. Allow to dry!
5. Paint the other side (Yes, Charlie’s shirt is chevron-y all the way around) Allow to dry.

You can now sport a Charlie Brown shirt. Woo hoo look at you!

For extra cuteness I made a little “Good Grief” sign since Charlie is known for that phrase. And I carried a football. People were diggin it. Some of the little bitty kids I saw didn’t know who Charlie Brown was. I give their parents an F on parenting for not exposing them to this classic cartoon. But anyway.

Here are some pics along the crafty way in case you're a visual learner. 

Mod Podge kinda looks like thick milk, but I thinned mine out a bit with water to stretch it farther.

This is how it looked once I had put a layer of plain paper strips on

 Remember, I added the ears before I painted the head...

And here's the shirt painting...
that top line was my Sharpie outline to guide me

     the finished product!

Hope you enjoyed this little crafty costume. 
It’s fun being someone else for a day. ;-) 
And it was under $20. BOOM!

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