Sunday, February 9, 2014

300th post

You read that right - this is my 300th post
I started this blog in September 2010. Read the first post here.
And in just a little over 3 years, I've posted 299 times. 
The hub and I have aged three years of course... 
here's a "then and now" if you're into that sort of thing... 

Anth has converted the Coca Cola tshirt to an undershirt. Thus the cutoff sleeves. And apparently I switched my part in my hair. Eh... I felt like my hair looked better in person than this pic shows, too. That annoys me. Anyway.
It's kinda stupid how fast these blogging years have flown by. I can't say I have any "significant events" to reminisce about. Same jobs. Same house. We've changed a car or two I think. And we both finally joined team iPhone. I guess our church change was kinda significant. 
I still feel like my blog is random. But I'm okay with that.
So thanks for reading. I hope my blog entertains you once in a while.  I really do.