well it's just the best!
This was our first Christmas with my niece's twin boys Conner and Brady - they'll be 8 months old on the 26th and they were a nice addition to the Carver Christmas fun!
don't you just wanna smooch those sweet little faces?!
Conner hung out with his daddy during the gift opening
And Brady was with mommy
But he surprised us all and showed up. Apparently his superior (at the last minute) said he could take a couple days off and come home. Yay!
What a blessing!
At my parents' house we always eat first of course, then open gifts.
I need my nieces & nephews to stop gettin so big :-(
After gifts there's always a game or two.
This year it was 5 Seconds and then Scattergories. Both games were fun & provided lots of laughs.
I love my family. They're just the best!
God is so good!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, too!
I'll leave ya with just a few more ...
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !!!