Sunday, July 29, 2012

God's plan for US

Do you ever stop and think about where you are in life? 
Do you ever think how did I get here? By now I thought I'd ..... fill in the blank.... 

Lately it seems like everywhere I turn, there's stuff popping up about God's plan for us. I see things on Pinterest, Twitter, Christian blogs, and today I heard it at church... 

This morning we went to a church we've visited once before. It's a large church with multiple services and a few satellite campuses. The pastor is such an amazing speaker and so down to earth. He seems like a guy you could hang out with and talk football with as easily as you could talk Bible with.

Today's message came from the scripture in Jeremiah 18 - about the potter molding the clay on the wheel. If you've gone to church much, you're probably thinking yeah, I've heard that story a hundred times. So? 

I won't try to regurgitate the message here, but if you want to hear it, go to this site to listen for yourself. 

The thing that hit me like a two by four 'tween the eyes was this - does the clay tell the potter what to make it into? If the potter is molding the lump of clay into a beautiful bowl, does the clay have the right to say no, potter, make me a tea pot? That sounds pretty silly doesn't it? 
Well God is our potter, and we are his clay. Yet WE try to tell God what WE think we should be. 

Uh oh, I see a problem.

Clay is supposed to be flexible and soft. But we are often so hard and immovable at times, aren't we? 

We need to stop and listen for God to lead us toward what HE has for us. Because HIS plan for us is better than what we have for ourselves. 
God's Plan

Sometimes we try to be the potter, the ship's captain and if we would just leave it in God's more than capable hands, we'd have less heartache and disappointment. And more of God's grace and blessings.

But we're human and thankfully God is patient with us. Like the potter in Jeremiah, when we get crooked and terrible (marred clay) God will simply pick us up and start shaping us again. He's always there... to make us beautiful again.

Proverbs 19:21 - God's plan prevails, rest in His care

Sometimes when it seems like everything's falling apart, that's when God's putting the pieces together the way HE wants it.. 

There's a great Christian author/speaker someone put me onto a while back, Lysa TerKeurst. She always has great stuff on her website, and this particular entry fits with what I'm talking about - -  
Read this Christian blog
You may not know the WHY now, but you just have to trust that God has a plan and if you're seeking Him like you should be He's definitely going to take care of you. 

Chin up! 
  ~ stop comparing yourself to others
  ~ stop holding yourself to a standard that's so high it's unrealistic
  ~ start loving yourself as much as God loves you
  ~ and never let a day go by without being thankful! Even though you think things didn't work out as you planned, remember God has a higher purpose for you. 

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