Monday, December 13, 2010

A Christmas program...and some snow

As they say "the show must go on." And go on it did...despite the bazillions of snowflakes rapidly falling in our fair city (er, town). Our program was called "Christmas: Where, When & Why." A boy and his dad were heading out to get their Christmas tree and the boy had a school assignment to write a paper about favorite Christmas memories. So along the way, he interviewed several folks and got their stories, including a couple colorful characters who ran the tree farm they visited.

Ms. Grace was wheelchair bound and told about the car accident that paralyzed her. The physical therapist she worked with invited her to a candlelight Christmas service and for the first time, Grace went to church, and that night she accepted Christ as her personal Savior.
Our teenagers did a great job with the acting. And our little ones sang their little hearts out. We were so proud! Dad said he'd give this program an A+ with no criticism. :-)

And like I said, it REALLLLY snowed Sunday. So here's how our house on the hill looks in the snow. Awww, almost postcard worthy...

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