Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm reading a book

For Christmas I asked Santa (aka Anthony) for this book - 

I've been readin' it and it's good. It's her autobiography.

Sometime or another in 2011 I caught a series on OWN (Oprah's new cable network) called "Why Not?" and it was basically just following Shania around on her journey of "self discovery." 
She talked about 
o her marriage with Mutt (and divorce),
o her childhood (she grew up dirt poor & then her parents were killed in a car accident when Shania was 21)
o her inability to sing in public (because of a little thing called F E A R)
and some other stuff here & there.... 
It was a really good series and it definitely piqued my interest on this Canadian gal. I always kinda dug her music anyway.

I should probably be done with it already but this little thing called

dominates my free time sometimes captures my attention... 
But anyway, the book is a good read so far and I just thought I'd tell ya.

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